Travel: Ancient Cedars Hike
Ancient Cedars Hike – this small hike (just under 1km) is worth the jaunt from the road (even if this is the only hiking you do, you can access it from the highway). These cedars are some of the largest on Vancouver Island. Let’s check out some of these photos!
Ancient Cedars Hike
The best way to fully capture the epic size of these trees was to take a panoramic photo, so they might be a tad distorted, but well worth capturing their true size.
Not only are they massive in height, these trees are thick and have an extremely wide base. They’re simply beautiful and mighty. See how big the cedar is in comparison with me – and I’m about 5’6.
This tree is so massive – it’s like six trees growing together. I’m quite sure it’s the biggest tree I’ve ever seen. I have no doubt that the redwoods are bigger, I just haven’t seen those yet!
All in all, this small hike might only take you 15 minutes to walk, but you’ll most likely want to plan for 30 minutes or so, that way you can take your time, get some great photos, and explore a bit. We only saw about 9 other people around during our time on the Ancient Cedars Hike – yet on a busy weekend, it might be difficult to snag a photo without others in the background. Either way, worth the visit!
Thanks so much for stopping by – I hope you’re enjoying our hikes and travels on Vancouver Island. This hike we did in combination with the Ucluelet Wild Pacific Trail, yet these trees deserved their own post. Hope you get out into the fresh air soon – summer here in Northern Alberta only lasts a short period of time, so we hope to hike this weekend, even if it’s a short one at the near by provincial park.
See you again soon and happy hiking!