Travel: Best Chicken in Mexico
The best chicken in Mexico. Such a bold statement, right? Well, it’s delicious. Unbelievably tender while being so full of char and flavour.
There are a lot of factors that go into the experience of eating. How hungry are you, your mood, is it the first or third time you’re eating the food. Even right down to the weather.
On this day I was very hungry. Plus, all I felt like was chicken. Huge craving for chicken. Bryce and I biked through Akumal and decided to bike across the bridge since nothing on the other side looked good.
This place caught our eye and we decided to eat in.
The cooker.
It took us a bit of communicating back and forth to determine we wanted to split half a chicken. At first, we thought that’s all we ordered. Yet the chicken comes with rice, salad, tortillas and some sort of alphagetti like pasta. Oh, and two salsas and some pureed beans.
Also, they don’t have drinks or anything. I just walked across the street to the pharmacy and got us some cold ones. Oh, and notice the local on the right picking up dinner for his family? He’s just on his phone while they pack up his chicken. That’s how you know it’s good.
Here is the chicken. The skin is so good.
Also, we had it another day, but we brought it back to the villa to eat and it’s just not the same as when it comes off the grill all hot and crispy.
If you’re ever in the area, it’s worth the bike ride across the highway to visit the local side. Go hungry and check out La Brasita, it’s so good.
Thanks for visiting. Now, to just figure out how to cook chicken like this. Hummm…