Travel: Diversity Boardwalk
Diversity Boardwalk – hike Australia! This quick, yet intriguing hike is right in Cape Hillsborough National Park and worth checking out. The name suits it, from muddy crab walking swamp to boulders and rock faces, this wee hike packs a lot! Okay, let’s check out some photos.
Diversity Boardwalk
First, be sure you’ve got footwear on that you don’t mind getting dirty, especially if it’s rained recently. Next, bring the bug spray! The wetness of the swampy area breeds a lot of bugs, so you’ll want to be prepared.
As you can see from the welcome sign below, the walk is only 1.2km, so quite short.
This hike is one of the few that had a bunch of signs explaining the wildlife and the fauna. The sign above, with the distance, says the hike will take about 1 hour. It might if you stop and ready every sign, take your time, and stop for a break every 10 minutes. My guess is you’ll be done in 20-25 minutes if you walk at your normal pace.
The entrance to the boardwalk is quite dramatic!
Can you see the crab?! There were so many, so we stopped and watched them march for a good 5-7 minutes.
Here is a better view of the swamp area and all the trees.
It looks so pretty, the trees contrasting the deep darkness of the mud. Oddly, it reminds me of Game of Thrones for some reason.
Up next, we have a massive boulder and a totally different landscape.
I can see how the hike got it’s name as the trail is very diverse, indeed!
Well, there you have it, the Diversity Boardwalk in Cape Hillsborough National Park. Be sure to check it out if you’re in the area!
Happy hiking and see you again soon! Thanks for visiting.