Travel: Margo’s Farm
Margo’s farm – the best peaches and cherries I’ve ever had.
On our recent trip to British Columbia this summer we stopped over in Fernie, BC. One of the main reasons is because we wanted to take advantage of some of the farmer’s markets along the way. Farmer’s markets are just the best – they’re full of so much goodness and wonderful people.
Cranbrook and Creston both hold markets on Saturdays in the summer. So, we left on Friday, stayed in the Boler in Fernie and then took our time on the Saturday while making our way to Christina Lake in lower BC. Oddly, the markets were disappointing. You know what made my day, though? Margo’s Farm! This little adorable place is on the east side os Creston, right on Highway 3. Check it out!
Margo’s Farm
So, don’t be shy with your money. I spent just under 25$ and although it seemed like a lot (about a buck a peach) it’s worth it.
Just as we pulled in this tractor pulled in, too. Brining freshly picked peaches. Oh, so good.
Two types of cherries. For me, Bing all the way. Bing – I’m a cherry! That’s what I kept saying as I was eating all the cherries on our drive. Life is good.
As the sign says, don’t touch. This is how you know the fruit is good. It hasn’t been handled by 38 people squeezing it or feeling for a desired firmness. Nope, it’s been picked and put in the basket, just for you. Eat up and enjoy!
Perfectly plump peaches.
Completely crisp cherries.
Overall, these cherries and peaches make up for the disappointing farmer’s markets. If you’re in the area, check our Margo’s Farm – they give out samples! The fruit is fresh, full of flavour, and the farmers are so kind.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll see you again this weekend.