Travel: Osaka Aquarium
The Osaka Aquarium! This place was packed – school students, tourists, and families – but so worth the experience. Hey, we had snacks at Family Mart before entering and while we were sitting waiting for our check-in time Bryce and I got interviewed by some local high school students. It was neat – we got asked questions on why were visiting, where we were from, and what we liked most about Osaka.
Okay, time to check out some photos.
Osaka Aquarium
First tip, be sure you buy your tickets in advance since this place sells out daily.
Even if you don’t buy them days in advance, be sure to buy them the night before or the morning of, that way you won’t have to wait in line for too long.
Next tip, plan to spend a few hours here – we had tickets for 11am and were here until about 1:30pm.
Look at this little bird, she’s like, what are you looking at?! So cute.
The aquarium is well organized and has a lot of opportunities to see the animals from all different angles.
Check out the blight blue eel below, it’s tail is so bright!
This tank is huge – these swarms of fish schooled and were chased by others, it was so neat to watch. Zigging and zagging, it looks like they’re having fun, yet I’m not to sure, haha.
Check out this long legged guy!
He marched around like he owned the place. Such a king, not a king crab, though.
We had an awesome time at the Osaka Aquarium – happy we had snacks beforehand, since we spent about 2.5 hours here. So much fun.
Well, there you have it, a must see if you’re in Osaka, the aquarium. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance.
Thanks for stopping by and happy travelling.