Travel: Palace of Westminster
The Palace of Westminster is like the House of Parliament in Canada. Yet, it’s so much bigger, older, and cooler. Be sure to buy your tickets ahead of time (we got them 4 weeks before we left). They do often sell out, especially when Parliament is in session from September – June.
Palace of Westminster
This is your audio tour. Don’t like tours, then don’t get it and just walk around looking at things. For me, I want to know what I’m looking at. Plus, all the back stories are so much fun to listen to.
Check out all this detail on the stained glass – so beautiful.
You can’t take any pictures after you get through the Westminster Hall, yet I’m sure from a few of these you’ll get the idea of how marvellous this place is.
One of the statues down the line has a boot that has a broken piece missing. Someone chained themselves to it in protest one year and the back ornament of the shoe broke off. These are the stories I love to hear.
No photos beyond the door.
In the photo above, to the left, is the House of Commons. I was in awe with all the history. You have to see it, stand there and take it all in to understand the importance of the Palace of Westminster.
Overall, it’s worth the visit. And, if you get your tickets ahead of time, you don’t have to wait in line. Plus, the tour is only roughly 90 minutes (I like to listen to some things twice). One tip – be sure to use the washroom before you go in, since the only one is a the beginning.
Check out these happy travelling faces!
Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you again soon – happy travelling.