Travel: Portland Market
The Portland Market, well the Saturday Market. It’s open on Saturdays from March until the end of December. We left Portland, Oregon on Saturday morning and this was our last stop before heading home.
Portland Market
Perhaps I’ve been spoiled in the market area, yet this market wasn’t too exciting. We expected a lot of local grown fruit, vegetables and local eats. There were only a few food vendors and I couldn’t find a single tent selling local grown food. Odd.
The arts and crafts, however, were quite something.
A lot of pottery, scarves and jewelry – if you’re looking for a little piece of Portland to take home, then visit the market and buy some earrings.
Here are a few food vendors – they at least have variety!
All in all it was a quick visit to the market. Perhaps it was because we visited in March, I’m not too sure. Here in Edmonton our markets are open year round and they always have fresh local and in season fruits and vegetables. You pick – market or sleep in. Heck, it’s open until 5pm so you could do both!
Thanks for visiting and stay tuned for my next post – Portland Eats. Two of the top places to eat in Portland. Bye for now.