Travel: Queensland Art Gallery
The Queensland Art Gallery – it’s free and worth checking out! From a mix of Australian art to some special pieces from around the world, this art gallery is an awesome way to spend the afternoon. Okay, let’s check out some photos!
Queensland Art Gallery
First up, we entered from the side and this special creature in a freezer caught our eye! We visited in December, so Queensland’s summer, however, back home it was snowy as could be. A fun reminder, that’s for sure!
The entry way from the side has some beautiful 70’s architecture and some long standing pieces.
The first exhibit we saw is interesting – floating court documents. The water theme was intriguing, especially since, given time, it’ll destroy the paper.
Up next, some brightness! I love the variety in the gallery. Some pieces are full of life, while others, like the installation above, are more dark and dreary. The juxtaposition most certainly evokes emotion.
The gallery also showcases other classic art, some muted, others modern, yet all having a beautiful story to tell.
I found the Australian art the most interesting – probably because it hadn’t even been front and centre for any gallery I’d been to. Free access also reminded me of being in London. I love when access to the arts has very few barriers! So awesome.
You can, of course, make a donation, which helps reduce even more barriers to those looking to access the arts. One thing I also love about visiting art galleries and museums during the week, and school year, is seeing all the school groups – so much energy. Plus, they say the most honest things when commenting on the art – it’s funny!
Well, there you have it – a little sneak peak into the Queensland Art Gallery. You can’t take photos of everything, so it’s most certainly still worth checking out if you’re in the area. Grab a coffee, enjoy a snack, and take in some art.
Thanks for stopping by – see you again soon!