Travel: The River Front
The River Front is downtown Omaha’s newest park! It opened in early July and we enjoyed the park just about every day. From sculptural art to slides, this park has it all! Check out some of our photos below.
The River Front
You can see The River Front from our hotel, and it’s full of these ponds where people race remote controlled boats. The benches on the far side are often filled with people enjoying coffee, reading books, or scrolling on their phones. It’s peaceful.
Here’s the view from our hotel, the Courtyard Marriott.
My favourite part of the park? The slides!
Yet the water is so calming, too!
The park is huge – just check out this map! Each night there was music or an event of some sort happening in the theatre. And, at least a handful of food vendors selling spicy mango on a stick, or hotdogs. People were just enjoying the warm summer weather. The park is full of so much energy.
Okay – let’s check out the art!
The park is full of art – I think I took about 20 pictures of different pieces of art. Each one has a little plaque to let you know more about the artist, which is awesome. I love art out and about just inserted into City life – flat out love it.
Well, there you have it – some photos of The River Front in downtown Omaha. One thing I really liked is on the edges of the west park there are gas fireplaces with chairs around them, so you can just stop and have a fire. Turn the knob and enjoy the coziness, roast some marshmallows or read a book, you pick! Overall, Omaha is so open, so friendly, and so welcoming. We loved our visit.
Thanks for stopping by and hopefully you have an awesome park like this one near you!
Happy travelling!!