Travel: West Coast Trail Prep
West Coast Trail Prep – say what? Yes, we’re hiking the west coast trail starting tomorrow. We flew to Victoria with all our gear and are taking the trail bus to Gordon River. Then it’s time for the real work – hiking the 75 KM from south to north.
I’m excited! And, there is no way any of this would have been possible without the support of our family. From Christmas gifts to Easter socks, we’re well prepared and know we’re well loved.
First, if you haven’t even started to think about the west coast trail, or if you in the early stages of planning, check out these helpful resources:
You can find a list of items on the Canada Parks site, or even from MEC – yet here’s what I’m brining.
Starting with my pack – it’s a 66L pack which will be plenty big enough. Women should carry about 1/4 of their weight (for guys it’s 1/3) and after stepping on the scale, I can’t carry an ounce over 36.6 pounds. But really, I know I’m tough and can handle an extra pound or two. So, how much do you think my pack will weigh?
After my pack is my sleeping gear – compact synthetic sleeping bag (thanks Mom!) and my sleeping pad (thanks Dad!). Then our ultra light tent (2.2 pounds which means room for more snacks). Some safety gear, gators and water supplies (thanks Bryce’s Mom and Dad!).
In the middle, my hiking poles (again, thanks Dad!) and my boots (thanks Mom!). All that’s left is some socks, then food – all dried for two reasons. One, it’s light, and two, less garbage to pack out. A compact stove and a headlamp. Oh, and my camp chair – some comfort is a must.
The prep that’s involved in getting ready for a hike this long is something we underestimated. We did a few practice hikes and even did a long one (15.6 KM) in January with full packs.
Yet, even shopping for camping stuff can be exhausting. Check out Bryce taking a rest from shopping on this stool. It’s a no go – chairs that we can lean back and relax in are needed, even if it means caring an extra 0.8 pounds. Worth it.
Do I look ready? My west coast trail prep has paid off!
All in all our packs weigh 29 pounds and 34 pounds. Pretty good, eh? I think we’re ready. This is our first big hike and we’re bouncing around on the inside with excitement. Those first 5 KM are going to be the toughest of the trail but I know we can handle it both mentally and physically. We’ve got this!