Tutorial: Reversible Bag
Reversible Bag
Have some fun fabric? Want a cute new summer or fall bag? Try this tutorial – it’s easy, just so long as you follow all the steps. I used the tutorial by very purple person, but I have a few comments, so be sure to keep reading.
First, chose some fabrics that complement each other – they don’t need to be matchy-matchy, but they should look good together. Also, if one of your fabrics is flimsy, like the jersey I’m using, then pair it with a slightly more structured fabric.
Use the pattern by very purple person and be sure to mark the darts as parallel as you can. She doesn’t comment on how to do this, but I suggest folding each side of the bag (each set of A and B) and marking the darts at the same time. The reason is so that they all match up and so the bag looks more professional.
Also, use a different colour bobbin thread so the finished bag looks polished. Very purple person also comments on making sure you don’t sew the handles together incorrectly – she’s right, you need a pay attention! I accidentally sewed them wrong on my third bag…silly me.
One last tip – you can sew the straps together far more than she suggests, that is if you’re using light fabric. On my jean bag I used the 20 cm suggestion and it worked…but on the others, I only left about 5, and that too, worked.
My favourite of the three bags is the jean one – I think I like it because it has more structure. It’s such an easy project – I used my serger for most of it and then my machine for the top stitching. Such a great little gift idea.
Enjoy your bag!