DIY: Patio Table
DIY Patio Table
Summer starts tomorrow and what we needed was a patio table! Last year we purchased 4 chairs from Home Depot but we didn’t like any of their tables, nor any tables anywhere for that matter. Our plan, we’ll build one ourself! The small problem…time. Where does all the time go? In need of a quick fix, I remembered that we had this ugly folding table in the basement – the pervious owner had left it (and after looking at it, you can see why…). All I did was whip up a smashingly easy table cloth – post to come tomorrow – and jazz it up a bit, and poof, good looking table.
I know – the above table is stained and ugly. You can, however, buy this table new from Home Depot for about $80.
How about some lemonade and rhubarb? All we need is a little sugar…
My favourite part about my new table cloth – industrial washers to keep it from flying away…genius!
The before and after photos – the whole project (including caring the table upstairs from the basement and making the table cloth) took about 75 minutes. Well worth the time since our deck now looks welcoming.
Enjoy your summer!