Eats: Cara Cara Oranges
Cara Cara oranges – they are the most delicious oranges I have ever had. And, I owe it to my Mom for recommending them to me last year. Thanks! They are sweet and pink coloured, so they’re so beautiful. They’re juicy and make me so happy when it’s time for a morning snack and I’ve got a Cara Cara orange in my lunch.
Cara Cara Oranges
When are they in season? They make it our grocery stores in early December and are usually there until the start of spring, so late March or early April.
Where are they from? I think they’re grown in the US (hello, California!), but they’re originally from Venezuela.
What do they taste like? To me, they taste like an orange with a bit of a sweet berry flavour. It’s hard to describe since they’re not overly sweet, yet just a good balance of sweet and tart.
Okay, let’s get to slicing these oranges up – and then get to eating them. I cut them as if they’re a treat for soccer. Cutting the orange against the segment makes for the best release from the deep skin.
Don’t they look so good? I’m off to cut up a couple and have a little snack right now, since these were taken a while back and I just can’t help myself.
Be right back!
Okay, back. They’re good – just be sure you’re eating ones that are fresh and in season, otherwise it’s like any fruit that’s past its prime.
Looking for a recipe to put these delicious orange to use in? Then try them in a citrus salad – so good!
Well, there you have it – a recommendation to try Cara Cara oranges. Pick up a bag the next time you’re at the farmer’s market or at the grocery store. See you again soon – bye!