Travel: 3 Days in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam is a place full of history, heartache, and honour. I visited in late April, early May of 2016 and it was such an experience. From taxi scams to celebrating my 34th birthday, it was a…
Project: Holiday Home Tour
The holidays aren’t over – it’s still boxing day. I wanted to share all the projects I worked on this holiday season in once place and I thought, what a better way to do it than a holiday home tour!…
Sewing: Week Fifty Two: Christmas Stockings and Pillows
Christmas stockings and pillows. It’s time to get sewing. Christmas is tomorrow! Tomorrow?! That’s flat out exciting. Today I’m going to share my last sewing post of the series 52 Weeks of Sewing. Yes, I’ve done a sewing project a…
Project: DIY Fabric Bows
DIY fabric bows – it took me so long to find a decent tutorial and the ‘how to make a perfect bow‘ from Sutton Place is just the one I was looking for! Check out her tutorial – I followed…
Sewing: Week Fifty One: Fabric Christmas Ornaments
Fabric Christmas ornaments are here – they are so cute and easy to make, you should try them out. Did you see the bunched fabric balls from earlier this week? Well, I needed something to make with all of those…
Project: Bunched Fabric Ball Ornament
Bunched fabric ball ornament – time to make some holiday cheer! If you saw my post earlier this week on twine ornaments, then you know I’m on a mission to decorate our 12 foot tree in a festive and low…
Project: Fabric Christmas Trees
Fabric Christmas trees – I’ve been wanting something like this on my mantel for a while and I finally decided to make it. This is the first year we’re decorating our mantel. Thus, time to get merry! The fabric is…