Photos: Farmers’ Market
The famers’ market! The best place to spend your Saturday morning. Bryce and I hit up the Strathcona Farmers’ Market last weekend and got some pretty neat items. Some tomatoes and then a funky sculpture made out of scraps. Part of the fun is putting money back into the community by buying local. Another part is getting great tasting food. The colours of the food – so vibrant!
It’s the fall, so you can the pumpkins and the variety of squash. They’re not just for decoration, you know!
Not only is the market full of food vendors, but also full of local woodworkers, crafters, and sculptors. It’s so fun to see all of the creativity.
Look at that scrappy looking ‘snowman’ – well, he doesn’t really look like a snowman to me. He was 5 bucks. We walked away at first…then we went back. He’s just too ugly to leave behind. Now he lives in our kitchen and keeps an eye on things. It’s so awesome what you find at the farmers’ market sometimes, right? So fun.
Thanks for visiting and we hope you get out and spend some time at your local farmers’ market – if not today, then maybe next weekend. The fall is full of so many great flavours and it’s too good to pass up.
These beautiful tomatoes were eaten by me – a little tomato salad with a dash of olive oil and some salt. So good, so fresh, so colourful. Food is awesome and it’s even more awesome when it’s local and hasn’t travelled 500 miles or longer, causing the item to lose nutritional content. Eat local and be healthy!
Thanks for visiting and we will see you again soon. Some fall recipes are coming your way next week – be sure to stop by and check them out. Happy Saturday.