Project: Halloween Treat Bags
It’s Halloween!
halloween Treat Bags
Time for treat bags. Last year I made loot bags and they were a big hit. This year, I wanted to do something similar, yet I wanted to keep within the same price point.
The soda pop – each can was 0.25$…a 4 pack was a dollar. It’s a pretty funky old school pop can, I think it’s neat and very retro.
Get this – Walmart was selling Halloween full size chocolate bars, 8 for 6.77$, or if you went back to their regular candy section, you could get 4 for 2.88$. Surprising that Halloween candy can be a bit of a rip off. Ya, I’ll take 8 chocolate bars for 5.76$ rather than pay and extra 1.01$ for nothing but extra packaging.
So, in total, for 20 treat bags, this year I spent just under 1.50$ a bag. Pretty good!
No tricks at this house…only treats.
Happy Halloween!