Sewing: Drawstring Bags
Drawstring bags – the perfect little bag for sneakers when you’re travelling. Do you remember back in September 2019 I shared how I packed for Europe in a carry on? Well, those Toms shoe bags are no more – I just got tired of using them when all of my other luggage is black. So, I decided to make my own drawstring bags for my sneakers. Okay, let’s get sewing!
What You Need
- about 1 yard of fabric
- sewing machine
- matching thread
- scissors
- pins
- iron and board
Firsts, pick your fabric. I went with something a little heavy, so it would hold up and last for years. I also went with black to keep the inside of my luggage bag looking neat and tidy – especially when I need to open it during a security check.
Measure the items you’re wanting to put in the drawstring bags and be sure to allow for the seam allowance.
These two bags measured 10 inches wide and 30 inches long (yet they’ll fold). Then for the drawstring, the fabric is 3 inches wide by 25 inches long.
For detailed instructions on how to sew these drawstring bags, check out the DIY tutorial – yet I’ll share a few updates below.
First, once the pattern is cut, serge all sides (just a single layer, so the fabric doesn’t fray). Then, about 1.5 inches from the top, iron the serged edge inward and topstitch along the sides. Once that’s done, you’re going to make the fold for the drawstring – iron the serged top down and then fold 1.25 inches downward and pin in place. Topstitch making sure you catch that serged edge to completely enclose the ‘loop’ – the space for the drawstring.
Then, from there, you can pin the bag right sides together and stitch along the sides, right up until the loop hole. For the drawstrings, serge the ends, right sides togheter, and then about 1 inch along the long fold. Then, turn right side out and press. Fold the rest of the drawstring inward, like bias tape, and topstitch. Feed the ‘string’ through the loop and knot at the end.
This little project took about 30 minutes for both drawstring bags – the perfect afternoon sewing item.
Okay, now let’s check them out in action.
Don’t they look so neat and tidy? Plus, these bags will help keep your suitcase organized. And, if you use them for shoes, help keep the shoe grime out of your bag and off your clothes. No one wants that.
Well, there you have it – two little drawstring bags, plus, you could make them any size you wish. Thanks for stopping by – see you again soon.