Travel Australia

Travel: 5 Days in Brisbane

5 Days in Brisbane

5 days in Brisbane! That’s right, a full work week in the capital of Queensland, yet no work. Awesome, eh!? We took city walks, had great eats, and saw magical sights. Let’s check out some highlights of our time in Brisbane.

Below you’ll find a list of all the individual posts that make up our 5 full days in Brisbane. Not to worry, we had plenty of down time and enough time to sleep in. Priorities, right?!

5 Days in Brisbane

First, the zoo! Oh, and the Wildlife Hospital. Be sure to check out one of the best Zoos in the world. I’d budget a full day for both, especially since it’s a bit of a drive. Well worth it!

Travel Australia
5 Days in Brisbane

Where to stay? We stayed at the Meriton Suites which is in a great location and has a cozy, comfy bed, ta-boot!

5 Days in Brisbane

Be sure to check out some of the galleries in Brisbane. From the Queensland Art Gallery to the Gallery of Modern Art, they have something for everyone.

Travel Australia
5 Days in Brisbane
5 Days in Brisbane

We also did a few local things, like checking out Brisbane City Hall, the Clock Tower, as well as the Museum of Brisbane and the Queensland Museum. Just walking to and from the sights offers the opportunity to people watch and grab snacks!

Travel Australia
5 Days in Brisbane
5 Days in Brisbane
5 Days in Brisbane
5 Days in Brisbane
5 Days in Brisbane

One of our favourite adventures while in Brisbane was taking the City Walk around South Bank. The huge B-R-I-S-B-A-N-E sign is just so much fun. Oh, and the botanical gardens are great, too!

5 Days in Brisbane
Travel Australia
Travel Australia

Well, there you have it! 5 days in Brisbane – oh, and don’t forget to eat and have snacks. Snacks are what keep you going, don’t you agree?!

5 Days in Brisbane
Travel Australia

Happy travelling!

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