Travel: Artists Cooperative Gallery
Artists Cooperative Gallery is an eclectic gallery in Old Market, Omaha. If you’re looking for inspiration, or want to check out some great local art, or perhaps are looking for a one-of-a-kind piece, then check out the Artists Cooperative Gallery. You’ll be happy you did!
Artists Cooperative Gallery
Bryce and I visited the Old Market on our recent trip to Omaha and we walked past the Artists Cooperative Gallery a few times and then decided to go in. We often shop for art during our travels, yet rarely buy. With large windows and many, many plants our space for art is limited, yet I know we’ll find the perfect piece one day.
Okay, back to the gallery. I was awe struck by two modern styles. Robots and Faces. First, let’s check out the faces.
With bright colours and off-centre looks, these sculpture wall hangings are so unique.
I love the texture of these faces and the ‘looks’ they give – so intriguing.
Okay, let’s check out the other style I liked – robots!
See the little fan on the back of that robot above, on the right? I love the details! And that spring on the back of the rocket – that guy is my favourite. Okay, here he is up close.
Those eyes – well, I think they’re goggles and the curly hair. So perfect. Even the orange feet and the camera on the front (hello go-pro!) is just so good. I wish we had a spot for him, yet I have no doubt he’s flying high and living the best life!
Well, there you go, the Artists Cooperative Gallery. Look for the sign!
The gallery is at the end of a parking lot, so it’s easy to miss.
Thanks so much for stopping by – I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, soak up some art, or find a creative way to spend some time.
See you again soon!