Bahrain Fort

Travel: Bahrain Fort

Bahrain Fort

The Bahrain Fort is one of the top must do items in Manama, Bahrain. It’s full of history and provides context around the city of Manama. The Bahrain fort was our first stop, after our hotel, after landing in the region. Okay, let’s check out some photos.

Bahrain Fort

First up, it’s not close to the city centre, yet it’s only a few dollars via Uber – about a 10-15 minute drive. We spent about 90 minutes at the Fort in total – 40 outside and then a little under an hour inside touring the exhibits and reading placards. Oh, there’s also a cafe if you’re hungry. We do suggest visiting outside first, since it’s hot – very hot, and the museum offers some reprieve from the strong sun.

Travel Manama

When you arrive, you’ll need to buy your tickets first, then head outside – the ruins don’t seem that interesting from far away, yet once you get close, they’re super neat. Then, walk up and tour the fort.

Bahrain Fort
Bahrain Fort

Also, if you’re interested, you can also get the audio tour.

Bahrain Fort
Travel Manama

Look how small the windows are – wild, eh?!

Bahrain Fort
Bahrain Fort
Travel Manama
Bahrain Fort
Bahrain Fort

That’s the fort – now for the museum, the history, and the nice cool air conditioning.

A bit of background, they’re not really sure what the fort was used for – a palace, protection, or as a community residence. The various theories are explored and perspectives shared around the museum, which is neat. One things for sure, though, the fort is very old!

Travel Manama
Bahrain Fort
Bahrain Fort
Travel Manama
Bahrain Fort

Well, there you have it – the Bahrain Fort. Do you like learning about the history of the areas you visit? We do! We enjoy mixing things up, a bit of history and some awesome food. All balanced with a bit of culture. Up next, a bit of culture – stay tuned for the Manama Souq post coming next.

Thanks for stopping by and happy travelling!

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