Travel: Hoi An Snapshot
The ancient town that was credited as a world heritage site in 1999 is full of history. Although they heavily rely on tourism and the shop owners seem to be more aggressive than any other place we’ve visited, the town is beautiful. Hoi An is a bike friendly town and our hotel has free town bikes for guests to use – it’s awesome. The odd thing is, however, that the city has more people than my home town of Sault Ste. Marie and yet I can bike from one end of Hoi An (the beach) to the other (old town) in about 15-20 minutes – and that’s a leisurely ride ensuring I’m taking in all the sights. There is no way I could do that in the Soo.
Hoi An Snapshot
The night market was small, yet full of action. These lanterns seem to be the highlight of the night market. Hoi An has a lot of street vendors who will sell you a candle in a paper box that you set ‘free’ in the river and make a wish. I’m not too sure what happens to the box once it’s in the water since it seems like littering to me. The lanterns, however, are beautiful and are well made.
Our hotel is between the beach and the old town – a great spot so nothing is really far. The last thing I wanted was to be close to the beach and then have the old town be ‘too far’ for a quick visit, although 15-20 minutes on a town bike isn’t far at all.
When we ride from the hotel to the beach, or even to our favourite bakery, Dingo Deli, we pass by the vegetable fields which are a great source of food for many who live in Hoi An. Yesterday the farmers were out working the land.
Hoi An
This little city is full of little roads, about 5 feet wide and made of concrete that dart between the vegetable fields – Bryce and I ride on them to get from one end to the other, yet we seem to be the only tourists who do so. It’s fun – we get to see a lot of locals working and then see them drying their rice on a tarp on the road, or in their driveway. I flat out love travelling.
Well, Hoi An is our last stop and then we’re headed home. We leave tomorrow morning, Thursday, around 6am (Indochina Time Zone) and arrive home shortly after 9pm on Thursday (Mountain Time Zone) which, if my math is correct, is around 28 hours of travel. One shuttle and 3 flights. What I’m looking forward to most about home? Lily!!! So excited to see our pup.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll be in touch when we’re home safely and then it’s back to cooking and sewing. So fun – happy Wednesday.
Read about our 4 days in Hoi An Vietnam in more detail! Thanks for visiting.