Travel: Museum of Brisbane
The Museum of Brisbane is a small section of Brisbane City Hall – it’s full of fun, oddities, and the culture that is Brisbane. Plus, you get an awesome view of the centre dome roof! Let’s check it out.
Oh, here’s the map – see, it’s not that big, yet worth the visit. We spent about 45 minutes here. The interactive office exhibit was a hoot!
Museum of Brisbane
First up, the Brissie-ism sayings. As Canadians, this showcase is so funny and acts as a little cultural window into what is means to be from Brisbane. The air conditioning one was too funny!
Neat, eh? If you’re from Canada, or have visited, you know we get pegged for some of our sayings, so it’s fun to see other cultures and what’s relevant to them. Clearly, weather is a big topic!
Up next, a few little pieces from posters to an interactive yarn house.
It was peaceful to watch others grab a stool and take time to contribute to the design – a sense of community, for sure.
Okay, next is the office from what feels like 1978 – it’s also interactive and has a massively passive aggressive tone. Let’s check it out.
Augh, so much for the company picnic – it’s cancelled. The funny part is, you have to read the signs and interact with the office furniture to get the full experience, since at first glance all seems okay, like it’s a standard place to work. After further inspection, though, I’m not sure anyone would want to work here.
All in all, it was a fun experience. The little trip up the elevator is worth checking out the museum, especially if you’ve taken the Brisbane City Hall tour.
Here’s a neat map of Brisbane – one last little tidbit for you.
Well, there you have it – the MoB – thanks for checking out the post! See you again soon.
Happy travelling and museum visiting – bye for now!