Travel: Oregon Zoo
The Oregon zoo! I love the zoo and the Oregon Zoo is no exception. They run a humane system of working with experts and stand strong on many issues such as climate change, exotic pets and palm oil.
Oregon Zoo
The Oregon Zoo is relatively inexpensive at only $14.95 during the high season. The day we visited it was raining, yet not to worry – we had fun and saw so many animals!
This mountain goat is all about playing in the rain. He’s climbing up the hill and playing around. It was fun to watch. Oh, and he’s shedding his winter coat.
Check out this guy – a little polar bear pup eating a piece of raw chicken (see it on the end of the log?).
That tongue is huge!
Funny story about this little guy. He dropped his chicken in the water and then tried to reach it with his paw. You can clearly see he can’t reach the water! Then he walked over to the water’s edge and tried to paw at the water to grasp the chicken again. He was so perplexed trying to figure out how to get his chicken. He walked around and looked from about 4 minutes. Then, it was like a switch flipped…he ran out on the log and just belly flopped into the water to get at his chicken. It was so funny – the best little interaction I’ve had at the zoo to date.
Me with my umbrella and mitts. Having fun in all sorts of weather!
The cats staying warm.
This king of the jungle staying dry and taking a nap.
The tiger is staying dry, too.
Overall, we had a great visit at the zoo. It was rainy, yes; but honestly, it was awesome. In the past I’ve visited zoos in the heat and I tend to miss the animals who like it a bit cooler. Here in Portland that’s exactly what we go to see. Total awesomeness. Thanks for visiting!