Travel: Seattle Aquarium
The Seattle Aquarium is one of the best aquariums I’ve ever been to. The red octopus is simply incredible. Seriously. Check out our photos below.
Seattle Aquarium
It’s located down on the pier – be sure you get enough parking – we spent 2 hours here easily.
This fish tank is huge! The awesome thing, they take in ‘stray’ animals. In this tank I found two fish with only one eye. No way those fish would survive in the wild, so they’re here at the Seattle Aquarium. It should be noted that this aquarium is similar to the Vancouver Aquarium where it’s research based – not for tricks.
Okay – the red octopus. Want to hear a story? We took a Harbour Boat Tour and this is the story our guide told us (I’m not too sure how much it true, yet it’s a good story).
This red octopus was injured and brought to the Seattle Aquarium when it was about 1.5 years old. The staff built it the most beautiful tank and put it in the same room with the tropical fish. People from all over came to visit this red octopus. Something strange started to happen, though. They noticed that some of the tropical fish were missing. Who could be taking them? Sneaky staff? Thieving tourists? Who knows. So, management installed state of the art security cameras. Guess who they caught? The red octopus! It would use all it’s might to lift the cover on it’s tank, slither out and eat the tropical fish and then return as if nothing happened. As a result, they moved the red octopus out of sight so it’s no longer tempted.
Neat story, eh? I love stories.
I call this guy big blue.
Such stunning coral and electric seaweed…is that what that is?
Hey buddy! We saw this otter outside. The Seattle Aquarium has so many outdoor animals, so if you visit be sure you don’t miss going outside.
Overall, the Seattle Aquarium is a great place to spend a few hours, especially if it’s raining. Thanks so much for visiting and happy travelling.