• Eater Brunch 2020: 3ten.ca

    Projects: Easter Brunch 2020

    Easter Brunch 2020 is probably a bit different this time around given all that’s going on. For us, it’s all about spending time with each other, good food, and making memories. Today we’re having a super-duper tasty Easter brunch. Okay, let’s get started! Easter Brunch Breakfast Tacos Cornbread Fudgy Brownies First, you’re going to want to set your table. My dear mother-in-law made these vintage trailer placemats. We have a set of four and I believe I also used them last year, for Easter 2019.…

  • New Shed: 3ten.ca

    Project: New Shed

    New shed – this was a September 2019 project. The kind of project that spins off another. Remember the retaining wall we did? Well, we wanted a shed, too. Mainly to get all the lawn maintenance stuff out of the shop since we’re working on Bolers in there. So, let’s check out this 96 square foot, 12×8 shed! New Shed The slanted roof is one of our favourite parts – it’s 13 degrees. The floor is road crush, just like the rest of the driveway,…

  • First Snow: 3ten.ca

    Project: Stay Home

    Stay home – with everything that’s going on right now, staying home as much as possible is best. I know that Daph-Daph loves when we’re home. So, what to do? Recipes! Projects! Sewing! Things that move to the back burner…travel planning (and you know how much I love travel planning). Okay, I’ll share with you three of my favourite things to do when I’m home – something to feel productive, something fun, and something to eat. I mean, snacks. Who doesn’t love snacks? Stay Home:…

  • Pinecone Wreath: 3ten.ca

    Project: Pinecone Wreath

    A winter pinecone wreath. Don’t be fooled, this wreath is heavy and big! It’s 24 inches and my guess is it weights about 18 pounds. Those pinecones and glue are heavy. This is a standard pinecone wreath that you can dress up for Autumn, Halloween, Christmas or even Valentine’s day with just the addition of a colourful bow. Makes this wreath far more versatile. Pinecone Wreath Supplies Pinecones – about 78 Wire wreath – 24 inches Fabric – about 1/2 a yard Glue gun and…

  • Treats: 3ten.ca

    Projects: Halloween Treat Bags 2019

    Halloween Treat Bags 2019 – what are you giving out for Halloween this year? We’ve got KitKat bars – the chunky ones I used to love before having to go gluten free. And, we’ve got hot chocolate, ring pops, and Jurassic Park pop-rocks. Total score. We live in the country and the kiddos show up on quads, side-by-sides or even mini-vans that are like clown-cars. How many people can fit in one of those things?! Since there aren’t too many houses on our block we…

  • Retaining Wall: 3ten.ca

    Project: Retaining Wall

    Retaining wall time. We love vintage trailers, as I’m sure you know if you’ve seen all the work we’ve done on Boler trailers. Well, we also have a few Airstreams (we snagged two this year alone) and parking them has been tricky. So, we decided to build a huge retaining wall to organize the area. I say huge because it took 11 trucks, each with 7 yards of road crush. That’s 77 yards of fill. So much fill, but such awesomeness in the end. Retaining…

  • How to Take the Frame Off a Boler: 3ten.ca

    Project: How to Take the Frame Off a Boler

    How to take the frame off a Boler is one of the main questions we get asked on our Instagram account @tipsy.the.boler. So, we thought we’d put a few of the photos and some videos all in once place to possibly help someone out. We’re about safety first. The process can be rough (sometimes we have to kick the frame out of place and it ‘crashes’ down with a huge bang) yet it’s safe. Below you’ll find step-by-step directions and then we finish off with…