Photos: Sweet Potato Dog Treats
Sweet potato dog treats! Yes – especially for this princess birthday. Miss Bella (or as I mostly call her – Bella-rama) turned 11 yesterday. She’s had some close calls over the last couple of years, so it’s quite special that she’s still with us and in relatively good health.
Dogs are wonderful – so cuddly and just fun to hang out with. This little recipe is easy.
1 – buy sweet potatoes
2 – slice them thinly
3 – bake at 250 degrees for 75-100 minutes
4 – feed to your dog
That’s it! Easy, right?
First, I used my mandoline for the very first time. So awesome – it works well and is quite easy to clean up. Wash the sweet potatoes and then slice them thinly. Try to slice them all the same thickness, just so they ‘dry out’ at the same rate in the oven.
Place them on a cooking sheet and bake at 250 for 75-100 minutes. Mine took 85 minutes.
Let them cool a bit before you feed them to your hound.
Here’s Miss Bella just waiting on her big birthday treat.
Score! She likes it and wants more and more.
Happy Birthday Bella – you are a twerp a times, you wake up super early, and you know how to force your way into your favourite spot on the couch and we love you for all of it. You’ve been in my life, day in and day out, for more than 6 years and you’re 100% a keeper.
Be sure to celebrate your four legged furry animal when it’s their birthday – just be sure to do so in a healthy way, especially if they’re on the older side. Bella, being 11 is like her being 87 since she weighs just around 90 lbs. She’s what they call, geriatric and has been for a few years now. We love her so much, though.
See you again soon – thanks for visiting! Happy Wednesday.