Photos: Woof Wednesday 4.0
Woof Wednesday 4.0! I don’t think I’ll ever stop sharing photos of Daph-Daph here on the blog, so Woof Wednesdays are officially a thing, especially considering we’re running the fourth edition! Bella and Lily had a couple of Woof Wednesdays, too.
Okay, today we’re celebrating having Daphne the Afghan Hound in our lives for one year (well, one year and 3 weeks today!) – these photos were taken on the exact same weekend one year later. She’s grown so much. Such a cutie.
She was all paws to start with and now that’s even more so. Over the past year we’ve learned that Daffer likes chicken and cheese. She could care less about chips or carrots. Clearly we only feed her food that starts with a ‘C’ – haha. In the summer she loves her pool while in the fall she loves to chase leaves. Winter? Dog angles, please! This little rascal could play in the snow all day. In the spring, she loves long walks and spends her time sniffing away.
Daphne, aka Daph-Daph and Daffer – we’re so happy you’re here. Hugs to you, pup.
Okay, let’s check out some silly photos as we tried to recreate the originals from early December 2019. PS, Bryce is obviously better at taking photos than I am.
Woof Wednesday 4.0
She’s such a loveable little pup.
Okay – here are the winners – the best recreations we could muster up.
Thanks so much for visiting and we hope you have a fabulous Wednesday! This Woof Wednesday 4.0 was so much fun. And, as Bryce casually pointed out, no way I can get rid of that blue sweater or any of these clothes for years. So funny!
Look at these side-by-side comparisons. Such a sweetheart. Awe – I love her!
Okay – thanks again for stopping by. Enjoy the holiday and don’t forget to snuggle your pup. Bye!