Project: 1978 Boler Before
This is our 1978 Boler Project. It was a snowy Sunday morning and the plan was to hangout around the house and then head to the movies to see John Wick 2. Bryce was sitting at the counter while I was making a late breakfast, early lunch.
Ali! There’s a Boler for sale in Lethbridge and it’s awesome. Call him! What? Call him now and tell him we’ll buy it. Okay! Bryce called and within about 3 minutes it was decided, we were not going to see John Wick but rather driving to Lethbridge to buy our second Boler.
Bryce dashed to the bank (yes, we have banks open on Sundays!) and I packed up some snacks and dinner, gather Lily’s food and packed up the truck with extra hitches, chains and all the special trailer jazz. Then, we hit the road.
This is the trailer we bought that snowy February Sunday.
1978 Boler Before
You can see cracked windows.
Beat up battery box and old propane tanks.
Many rock chips.
Just look at that door handle – how are we going to fix that!?
Hello 1978, nice to meet you.
So dark and dingy.
There isn’t a photo here, but the bathroom has no toilet. What? I know – just a shower.
Dusty, for sure.
That’s some old fabric on those cushions.
The floor – can you see the floor? It’s pealing up and it’s old fabric flooring. Yucky!
So, these are the before and up next I’ll share the after. If you’re wanting to see the whole process, then click on over to my Tumblr blog where it’s about everything Boler; even our little 1972 13 foot Boler. Thanks for visiting and happy camping!

AnnE Zimmerman
I have a (I believe) ‘74 boler. I need help and direction on what I need to be doing for renovating it.
Are you open for a conversation?
Hi Anne!
Check out our Instagram: @tipsy.the.boler – so much info there, and feel free to ask questions anytime.