Project: Tipsy the Boler Before
Tipsy the Boler before – it’s hard to call this post a before since it’s actually more like an in-between. When we got Tipsy back in 2012 we travelled in her for the first time in 2014 and then spent that summer fixing her up for a 3 month road trip down to the California / Mexican border. This ‘before’ however, is the before her last overhaul.
So, let’s take a look at some of these before photos.
Tipsy the Boler Before
See the grind mark on the bottom front passenger side? That’s from when Tipsy officially got her name. After our first overhaul she lost a wheel and tipped on this front edge. Luckily we were on a side road and there wasn’t a lot of damage and no one got hurt. It was, however, quite the adventure.
This was the first overhaul we did and after completing 8 other Boler Trailers we wanted to revisit Tipsy as our 10th overhaul. New windows, fixing the door, and getting her back to a more traditional layout is in order.
Here she is in the shop on low casters. She won’t fit in with her taller ride hight (hello off-roading!), nor the two fantastic fans. One thing that’ll stay, the colour. It’s just so awesome with the dark tinted windows.
We fully gutted the inside this time. Od spray foam along the bottom is all gone. Oh, and we even pulled out the hull liner we installed. We did a good job the first time, but after installing hull liner in Scooby Doo the Boler we learned a much better, more professional way.
New windows are on the horizon – ones that open and allow for wonderful air movement.
With the frame out, windows out and the door off, it’s much easier to assess all that needs to get done – the to-do list is long!
The Door
The door is the biggest issue on Tipsy. It’s ill-fitting and we can do better. Don’t get us wrong, the door was way, way better after our first overhaul, it’s just that we know we can now do better.
Here we’ve got it bolted in place and we’ll fiberglass it in place to exactly match the curve of the Boler. Tipsy the Boler before most certainly won’t look the same after!
Look at all that body work – the door is going to look awesome in the end. Much tighter fit, better for travel and safer, too!
Well – there you have it, Tipsy the Boler in her before (or in-between) stage. Not as bad as Nikki or Scooby Doo the Boler before, but still pretty bad. She was used as an ice fishing hut, after all.
Be sure to visit again soon so you can catch the after results – take care and happy camping!

Elaine Chan
My Boler door is a disaster. Auto body shop then a classic car shop messed with it and made it worse by cutting the shell from the interior skin. Door won’t stay closed. Need to restore the curve and remount door latch and hinges. Any recommendations for me? A shop that can rebuild the door? Boler lives in Pacific Northwest.
Hi Elaine,
That’s unfortunate – I don’t have any recommendations on who can fix your door. We ran into similar issues way back in 2012-2013 which is how we tackled taking on Boler projects ourselves. The door on Tipsy was a massive issue the first time around, and then we fit it u even better during the second overhaul. I hope you find a solution.
All the best,