• Farm Fair International: 3ten.ca

    Photos: Farmfair International 2013

    What did you do this past weekend? Us – we attended the Farmfair International. Just in time to kick off the CFR week. Farmfair International Horse Ranch Competition and Stock Dog Competition. A lot of vendors and ranches who brought their cows to show. This one is getting a bath! This guy, well, he needs to smile less if he’s going to win…those are some teeth! Lots of events. Farm up! Farmfair International is a great time. You get to stay warm, which is pretty…

  • Photos

    Photos: Wedding Day

    Wedding Day Just a few shots from our wedding day! First – all of these photos are credit to Mark Cooper Photography out of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. All of the photos on my blog are mine and this is the first time I’m sharing…Mark does fabulous work and he gets all this credit! We were lucky, too, in that Mark came with an assistant. The best part is that Bryce and his family had one photographer while I had Mark. A nice way to take…

  • Photos

    Photos: Thanksgiving 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving!! Even though it was yesterday…we’re a little late. This was the first time we (or I, rather) attempted to take some family photos. Thanksgiving 2013 Setting up – Lily is supervising. The tripod was a gift from a very kind old man who we purchased some tools off of – I highly recommend a tripod if you’re evening thinking of using your camera’s self timer. First shots – not too bad. Happy everything is in focus! Second shot (well, each shot took 10…

  • Photos

    Thursday Afternoon Cows

    Thursday Afternoon Cows A few weeks ago I was driving into town when I noticed a little calf on the wrong side of the fence. He was scared. Mooing so loudly! His parents (or aunts and uncles) were mooing loudly, too – but in this, I’m going to charge at you, kind of way. In the end, we got the little guy back on the right side of the fence. These photos are of a much calmer group of cows – cows that aren’t mooing…

  • Two Dogs and a Wedding Dress: 3ten.ca

    Two Dogs and a Wedding Dress

    Two Dogs and a Wedding Dress Today is our two year anniversary and I want to do something special for my husband. About 3 weeks ago, our weimaraner, Bella, got sick, however, she’s okay now, or will be. When we though she might not make it, all I could think about was what if I forget her – all of her quirks, her expressions, her eyes. So, I took this opportunity to take some photos! She looks pretty happy, and Lily, well, she just looks…

  • Photos

    Photos: Auction

    Time to BID! With hands flying high, hot dogs being sold and money dropping out of our pockets, it’s auction time! Auction This little auction is just a few miles away from our house and it’s a true farm auction. We’ve been to a few over the last year or so but this is our first time bidding and winning! One of the first auctions we went to was an ‘odds and ends’ sale which ended up being a bunch of farm animals – 10…

  • Lazy Day: 3ten.ca

    Lazy Day!

    Lazy Day Lazy Lily sitting in the sun being lazy. This look, it’s a way of asking me what I’m looking at! Nap time. Getting comfortable. Such a cute napper. Basically, at our house it’s difficult to get a lazy day with two active pups. Today, however, we took full advantage of the laziness. Time for naps, treats and a few photos. Bella is such a stinker that she’ll wake us up around 6:30am wondering why we’re not right there to feed her. Really? You…