Travel: MoPop Seattle
MoPoP Seattle. That’s right, we’re in Seattle! Well, not right now – but writing this post is brining back all of these wonderful memories. After spending three days in Vancouver, we headed down the coast and hung out in Seattle. MoPop Seattle is our first stop. This Museum of Popular culture is full of so many nifty exhibits and the bonus – some are even interactive! Check it out if you’re in Seattle.
You’ll need about 2-3 hours to enjoy this museum without feeling rushed; and if you get hungry, don’t worry – amazing restaurant in the lobby.
Who knew Nirvana called Seattle home? Not me. Okay, Aberdeen is 2 hours away, so not really the same thing – but I still didn’t know!
This beautiful piece is amazing – not a single picture will do it justice.
Are you a football fan? I’m not, not a true die-hard watch every Sunday, yet I probably understand more than most (thanks Dad!). Seattle fans, however, are the biggest and consider themselves the 12th man of the Seahawks – this wing span is impressive. I certainly don’t measure up.
There are exhibits on horror, fantasy and science fiction films as well as gaming systems and music. The best one was the music exhibit because they had full studios where you could pay the guitar, sing and smash drums. So much fun!
Dominos! Yes…I took a video of this and I need to find it. I’ll take a look tomorrow and upload it. Dominos are so much fun to play with – having all the pieces fall brings so much satisfaction. The best part about building this is the closer we got to the end a little crowd started to form. I need to find that video.
Overall, we had such a fun time at the MoPop Seattle. Check it out if you get the chance.
Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to check back tomorrow, too, to see the video of the dominos.