Travel: Queensland Museum
The Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia is worth checking out. It shares the same block with the Queensland Art Gallery and has some wonderful full time exhibits. Plus, we saw one of the biggest spiders ever – like alive, loose, on the run!
Queensland Museum
Okay, I’ll share the spider first. I know you’re curious. So, the museum has various exhibits, from coral reefs, to war time displays. We were in the basement, or the main floor and this guy was scurrying around. Scary, right?
Well, fret not, he’s just a water spider, which is what the staff told us. Once we made our way to the top floor, they had a display of all the Australian spiders and we found him! After a quick search I found out they’re not dangerously venomous, but do have large fangs and their bites hurt – yikes.
One of my favourite sections is learning about all the coral. Check out the timeline!
The apology above is rather neat – have you ever seen something like this at a museum?
My least favourite exhibit is the war one – yet here are a few snaps showing the Australian perspective.
Okay, back to some of my favourites – these stats are cool! Plus, the colours of the gemstones are mesmerizing.
Oh, and can you find the stick bug? I had a hard time trying to find him while writing the post, and I took the photo! A bit of a hint, the bug is upside down – happy hunting.
Well, there you go – the Queensland Museum! Check it out if you’re in Brisbane. The museum is free and is run by the same organization that runs the Museum of Tropical Queensland. We spent about 2 hours here, which was nice when combining with the Art Gallery and a stop for snacks!
Happy travelling and museum visiting. Thanks for stopping by – see you again soon.