Travel: Riding Bikes in Siem Reap
Riding bikes in Siem Reap is so much fun. It’s a challenge, don’t get me wrong, to navigate the speedy mopeds, tuk-tuks, and cars, yet it’s exciting, too.
These are our top of the line bikes. Our hotel, Hima Boutique, got them for us on our second full day in Siem Reap. They had them ready to go at 7 am and we used them all day long. The cost – 2$ each. Talk about cheap. They each came with a lock and a light which is energized when you pedal. So smart.
Notice the baskets? My favourite part!
We took a ride down the main street and then onto the highway towards the lake. We didn’t quite make it to the lake, it was far too hot.
Stopping to take pictures of cows. They are so skinny! With the hot summers there isn’t a lot of rain and as such not much grows. Thus, the cows don’t eat a lot until after the rain starts. I couldn’t believe how skinny they were, really. Poor guy.
Time for ice cream. Bryce having fun with our phone, snapping candid photos.
Okay, this video is a bit choppy since Bryce took it while riding his bike. You will get to see how busy and unorganized the street is, though. Be aware – use arm signals. Bryce for sure made fun of me, but twice my signals prevented a moped from running us over.
That’s us – riding bikes in Siem Reap. So fun.
Overall, riding bikes in Siem Reap is the way to go. Not only is it cheap, but it’s fun and you’ll get to experience way more than if you’re just on a tuk-tuk. We took wrong turns and came across moped ‘gangs’ hanging out in hair salons and found awesome markets with super snacks.
Thanks for visiting – see you again soon.