Travel: Tokyo City View
Tokyo City View – one of the best spots to look out over Tokyo. If you’re in the Roppongi neighbourhood, then for sure check it out. If you know me, you know I love a sky view. Okay, let’s check out some photos!
Tokyo City View
We visited this place around 3:45pm and spent about 75 minutes checking out the views. The sun made things super hot on the west side, yet also made for some nice photos.
When we visited Shibuya Sky we wanted to see the city at night, so on this trip, it was a daytime visit.
Okay, here are some views of the city – one thing you’ll notice, especially compared to the CN tower, or some higher up spots in North America, like in Chicago, is the lack of highways. The metro rules in Tokyo.
We did see some green spaces and stood for a while watching some people play basketball. It’s wild how small the world can become when you focus in and only see a certain section.
One thing we both got very excited about after walking out of the Tokyo City View was seeing the Maman sculpture. We didn’t know this at the time, but there are seven in total, one created in steel and the other six cast in bronze.
Bryce and I met in Ottawa and at the time I lived right around the corner from the National Gallery of Canada, home to one of the Maman sculptures since 2005. When we saw this guy in Tokyo we both looked at each other, like hey! I know! Wild, right?!
Turns out the others are in Spain, Arkansas, Missouri and in Doha. The original is at Tate Modern and not on display. The other one has had temporary locations in various places. Neat, eh?
Happy travelling!