Tutorial: Quilted Burp Cloths
Burp Cloths – one of the most functional sewing projects for a new baby. We’ve made them before here at 3ten: burp cloth tutorial and burp cloth tutorial 2. These are quilted burp cloths.
What You Need
- about 3/4 of a yard of fabric – I used scraps
- 3/4 of a yard of fabric for the backing
- serger
- machine
- matching thread
I made these after making the triangle quilt and as you can see, I used all the scraps.
Basically, play around with the scraps you have, cut different shapes and sizes and make the front 21 inches by 13 inches.
After I cut out all the shapes, I serged them together to make the front of the burp cloth.
Next – cut out the backing – 21×13 and serge right sides together – leaving about 2-3 inches open to turn the burp cloth right side out. Then, top stitch all around the outside ensuring you close up the opening.
Then, instead of top stitching 2 lines like in the other tutorials, this time we’re going to ‘quilt’ the burp cloth. Pick a few shapes (I did the 2 main triangles) and top stitch all around.
Happy burp cloth making.
They are a quick and fun project…and super useful!