Recipe: Breakfast Tacos
Breakfast tacos! Yes, you can have tacos for breakfast. Around here, Mexican food is our favourite. Last week we had tacos three times, that’s not to say each meal was the same. No way – each different, yet guacamole is a usual staple. Okay – let’s get this recipe started! Ingredients scrambled eggs feta and corn salad spicy black beans roasted potatoes sautéed onions guacamole greek yogurt cheddar cheese Okay, first, get the roasted potatoes in the oven. Cut potatoes thinly and toss in canola…
Recipe: Banana Bread Cookies
Banana bread cookies. These are the best. Take the best gluten free banana bread and turn them into cookies. What you get is the sweetest bite of banana goodness. It’s like a banana muffin, yet only the top – the best part. Please, make these and give them a try. They’re so good. Ingredients: 1 cup of white sugar stick of salted butter 1 egg 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla 3 large black bananas 1 teaspoon of baking soda 2 cups of gluten free flour 1/4…
Project: New Shed
New shed – this was a September 2019 project. The kind of project that spins off another. Remember the retaining wall we did? Well, we wanted a shed, too. Mainly to get all the lawn maintenance stuff out of the shop since we’re working on Bolers in there. So, let’s check out this 96 square foot, 12×8 shed! New Shed The slanted roof is one of our favourite parts – it’s 13 degrees. The floor is road crush, just like the rest of the driveway,…
Project: Stay Home
Stay home – with everything that’s going on right now, staying home as much as possible is best. I know that Daph-Daph loves when we’re home. So, what to do? Recipes! Projects! Sewing! Things that move to the back burner…travel planning (and you know how much I love travel planning). Okay, I’ll share with you three of my favourite things to do when I’m home – something to feel productive, something fun, and something to eat. I mean, snacks. Who doesn’t love snacks? Stay Home:…
Photos: Daphne the Afghan Hound
Daphne the Afghan Hound – she’s one of the sweetest, goofiest, and weirdest dogs ever. And, she’s our new pup. In December Bryce and I were busy – so busy with work and since it had been more than two years since we said goodbye to Bella, and about 20 months since we said goodbye to Lily, we thought – hey, let’s get a dog to help slow us down. After a dinner out and over tacos we decided on an Afghan Hound. Now, where…
Recipe: Spring Eats
Spring eats – why? Because today is the first day of Spring! I’m so excited for warmer weather, long days, and fresh eats. Let’s get cooking! Spring Eats These are my top five spring eats right now: Avocado Salsa Chickpea ‘tuna’ Salad Texas Caviar Roasted Corn Salad Cucumber and Strawberry Salad Get this – I even made the Texas Caviar last weekend. It’s best with fresh ingredients and if you have the time, soaking your own beans. So good on tacos, with chips, or even…
Travel: 4 Days in Las Vegas
4 days in Las Vegas, Nevada. This past January, before increased travel restrictions, we headed to Las Vegas for 4 days. The trip was full of shows, food, and fun. 4 Days in Las Vegas We stayed at the new Park MGM – such a great spot. Quality rooms and a great location. Plus, we had a stunning view of the strip. On our first night we saw Cirque du Soleil’s Kà and had dinner Momofuku. The show was awesome and the food at Momofuku…