Recipe: Candied Pecans
Candied pecans – this quick and easy recipe is a household favourite. We use pecans in salads, with roasted sweet potatoes, and in baking, too. I usually make these to order (or make for a recipe that calls for them).…
Project: Coffee Table
Coffee table – who knew it would be so hard to find the perfect coffee table. Well, we searched for about 3 months, looked online, in stores, and even paused the TV when watching home shows on HGTV. Nothing. Everything…
Recipe: BBQ Chickpeas
BBQ chickpeas – a meatless option to utilizes your favourite BBQ sauce. Plus, they’re virtually hands free since they make use of the crock pot. Okay, let’s get cooking! Ingredients 2 large white onions 600 ml of BBQ sauce 2…
Project: 60 Foot Tower
60 foot tower! Oh my goodness, why would anyone need to have this on their property? Well, we live in the country and we finally got tired of slow internet. This is a DMX-68AN tower, so it’s actually 68 feet…
Project: Tree Cutting 2019
Tree cutting 2019 – why am I sharing something so old? That’s a good question. Well, one of the reasons why I’m sharing this tree cutting 2019 project is because first, I forgot; but second, because it sets up the…
Photos: Woof Wednesday 4.0
Woof Wednesday 4.0! I don’t think I’ll ever stop sharing photos of Daph-Daph here on the blog, so Woof Wednesdays are officially a thing, especially considering we’re running the fourth edition! Bella and Lily had a couple of Woof Wednesdays,…
Project: Yarn Wall Hanging
Yarn wall hanging – the perfect afternoon project for your home, office or any interior space in need of a little decor. From start to finish this project took about 4 hours. Don’t underestimate the time needed to cut all…