Travel: Beach in Hoi An Vietnam
The beach in Hoi An Vietnam is such a relaxing place. It’s not too busy and the water is warm in May. One thing to watch out for – you have to pay to sit at the luxury chairs. No signs, or at least there weren’t any signs when we were there. Then we got yelled at as we left – it was kind of funny, actually. Okay, let’s get to relaxing!
The Beach
We rode our bikes to the beach and paid 1$ to have them locked up in a bike parking lot. Basically, it’s a way for a local to make money. The best part, though, you’re hot and ready to relax after riding your bike.
The beach isn’t that busy down by the luxury chairs, which is what we liked. A bit of privacy.
I snapped a pic of this handsome guy!
Then, I went swimming and he snagged a few of me.
Clearly, I overreact to the waves. I get that, now. Haha.
With no lifeguard on duty, you’re best to swim at your own risk. The water isn’t very deep, yet it’s so incredibly warm. Salty, too.
I think these little boats are just the coolest. They are so neat – I peeked inside one and it was full of gear. Honestly, I don’t know how they trusted all their gear just sitting there on the beach. Then again, I’d have no idea what to do with it, so seems logical.
This lady was prepping food – fruit on a stick and some speciality drinks to sell as she walked the beach. I found it interesting how warmly she was dress – to her this breezy Tuesday morning was cold. Not to us, to us it was hot! Then again, it was only 103 degrees. That’s hot, people!
Overall, we had a relaxing time at the beach in Hoi An Vietnam and if you get the chance to have some downtime, too – take it. You’re travel body will love you for it. Thanks for visiting and I happy travelling.