Travel: Going-to-the-Sun Road 2.0
Going-to-the-Sun Road 2.0. Yes – we fully completed the famous road heading through Glacier National Park. Last year we only completed 13.5 of the 50 miles. I can’t fully express how beautiful the drive is, seriously. You need to see it for yourself.
Going-to-the-Sun Road 2.0
A bear! Yes, we saw a small grizzly cub – I didn’t get a very good shot, yet I was fully stretched out of the truck. Bryce was like “I think he’s far enough away that you could get out of the truck.” Ah, no. I don’t think so.
My loves taking in all the beauty.
A snowplow? In June?
Ah – I see. Makes sense now.
We visited from Monday, June 26 – Wednesday, June 28. The road was only open 13.5 miles on our first two days, because of a recent snowfall. On Wednesday morning we drove up to Jackson Point (the mountain above) and the gates were open! I clapped in my seat with joy – Score!
So many breathtaking waterfalls.
Splashing right on the road, rainbows and all.
This hairpin turn is called The Loop.
Lily loves to travel – head out the window the whole time.
Well – there you have it – some of my pictures from our travels on Going-to-the-Sun Road. Give yourself a lot of time, at least 3.5-4 hours, if you’re going to drive the whole 50 miles and then back. The average speed is about 35 miles an hour, yet we did stop quite a bit.
Happy travelling!