Travel: Pike Place Market Seattle
Pike Place Market Seattle – such an iconic place. If you’re in Seattle, you need to visit Pike Place, it’s simply awesome. Spectacular views, vintage shops and great eats (which I’ll share this weekend). Also, if you’re like me, it’s that sign that hangs outside the elevator on Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, I’m a Grey’s fan, aren’t you?
Pike Place Market
First, find the sign – you can’t miss it. It’s at the end of Pike Street, right where it meets Pike Place.
Don’t be fooled, Pike Place is more than one little street. The Seattle Aquarium is even in Pike Place Market.
See! It’s big.
One thing that’s really cool about Pike Place is the variable rent that vendors pay – they pay a percentage of their sales. This is such a community oriented way of charing rent since it’s given some great artists and businesses their start. Love it.
The original Starbucks calls Pike Place home.
That’s me just after we visited the Seattle Aquarium.
Beechers – the best cheese. Go in, even for just a sample.
Overall, Pike Place Market is a must see while in Seattle. Go hungry and spend hours walking, eating and simply enjoying life.
Thanks so much for visiting and I’ll share some of my top (and not so top) Seattle eats this weekend. Bye!