Travel: Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a spot we hit up on our recent trip to Vancouver. It wasn’t on our ‘agenda’ of sorts, since we were planning on seeing the Seattle Aquarium, yet Bryce’s face just lit up when he heard that Stanley Park had an Aquarium. So, we went and had an awesome time – the best afternoon!
If you like jellyfish, then you’ll love the Vancouver Aquarium – it’s filled with so many of them. Oh, and a bonus, they are an educational and research centre, so no tricks for the animals. Here we go!
Vancouver Aquarium
Parking is quite easy since it’s inside Stanley Park – if you’re a student, then bring your student card.
These bright jellyfish are in the main tropical section. They’re not deep water jellyfish, so they’re colourful and easy to see.
The natural colour of these jellyfish indicate they like deeper water – can you see me?
We ventured outside to see the seals and otters, oh and penguins, too!
Beautiful coral. The Vancouver Aquarium takes such great care of it’s tanks – simply stunning.
Time for the deepest water jellyfish. Why do I like them so much? They are full of energy and look like umbrellas. They are just cool!
Overall, if you like fish, or jellyfish, and an educational experience then visit the Vancouver Aquarium. It’ll make your afternoon fun!
Thanks for visiting and I’ll see you again soon. Bye!