• Recipes

    Recipe: Summer Sunrise Juice

    Summer is right around the conner…what better way to wake up than with this summer sunrise juice. Ingredients 1 cup of grapes 2 peaches 1 large orange First – take out the pits of the peaches. The juicer won’t like them. Throw everything else in and get ready for the sunrise. The grapes are antiviral, the peaches protect against obesity diseases like diabetes, and the orange contains herperidin which has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Drink up. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1…

  • Tripple C Juice: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Triple C Juice

    This juice is good for you, but rather difficult to actually enjoy. I’m not a huge total veggie juice person…even just throwing in a lemon or lime often helps. The triple c juice, however, is good for you. Ingredients 1/2 a head of cauliflower 1 cucumber 3 carrots What does this juice having going for it? The cucumber contains steroids (the good kind) that helps to reduce cholesterol. The cauliflower is rich in phytochemicals, cancer fighting chemicals. The carrots, well, they cleanse the liver. And…

  • Mangolicious Juice: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Mango-licious Juice

    Mango! Kiwi! Spinach! Yes, please. Ingredients mango lemon 2 kiwi 1 cup of spinach This juice is full of flavour and goodness. It’s light and makes a great little snack and it’s mango-licious juice. First – you’ll need to remove the pit from the mango…that won’t juice. The good stuff. The lemon provides vitamin C and keeps your PH balance in check – cancer can’t grow in an alkaline environment, so lemon up. The spinach helps your memory and promotes healing. The kiwi helps you…

  • Open Your Eyes Juice: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Open Your Eyes Juice

    This juice will wake you up…and make you open your eyes and see the beautiful world. Try the open your eyes juice – it’s delicious. Ingredients 3 carrots 2 stalks of broccoli 1 large orange Got everything? You’re ready to go! Start juicing. What’s in this eye opener? The carrots are full of vitamins A, B, and C. Carrots also cleanse the liver, enhance mental functioning, just like the orange, and decrease your risk of cataracts. The broccoli is an anti cataracts, too, and promotes…

  • Strawberry Melon Juice: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Strawberry Melon Juice

    Strawberry and melon – bring on the goodness with this strawberry melon juice. It’s fresh and delicious. Ingredients 1 1/2 cup of strawberries 1/2 cup of raspberries quarter of a cantaloup 1/4 cup of wheatgrass Get your ingredients ready…and your tastebuds! So, what’s this juice full of? The berries enhance immunity while the cantaloup promotes healthy skin and reduces your risk of cancer. The wheatgrass is a true green superfood. The speciality item increase red blood cells and lowers blood pressure. It also neutralizes toxins…

  • Recipes

    Recipe: Apple Pear Pick Me Up Juice

    This is the juice to wake you up in the morning. Did you know an apple does a better job of keeping you alert than caffeine? Have this for breakfast tomorrow – apple pear pick me up juice. <h3?Ingredients</h3? 2 apples 2 pears 1 chunk of ginger Ginger is amazing. Do you commute to work? Ginger fights nausea, relieves headaches and arthritis, acts as an anti-inflammatory and stimulates blood flow. The apples help detox your body while lowering cholesterol and cleansing your system. The pears…

  • Strawberry Orange Lemonade: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Orange Strawberry Lemonade

    Summer is almost here – what better way to celebrate with an orange strawberry lemonade? This juice is refreshing and good for you – all natural. Ingredients 1 cup of strawberries 5 clementines 1 lemon 1/2-1 cup of water Juice away! On this one I took off all of the clementine peal…I usually don’t – common practice is to just toss it all in the juicer, however, if I were using one big orange that would have been different. I went with my gut since…