Recipe: Green Goddess Juice
The goodness of green is health is a green goddess juice. For this juice we’re going all in – strong fighting super foods. Ingredients 2 celery staks 1 cup of cabbage 2 cups of spinach kale leaves, 2 2 kiwis Get all of your ingredients ready to go. This juice is antibacterial, from the celery, while the cabbage detoxifies and bumps up your immune system and boots your memory. Spinach, too, helps with memory and promotes overall healing. Kale is high in vitamin A, chlorophyll…
Recipe: Strong Bones Juice
Want strong bones that will hold up when you’re 60+ and happen to fall? Want good knees to hike up the grand canyon or among the hustle and bustle of Rome? Drink up this strong bones juice. Ingredients 1 cup of spinach stalks of broccoli, 2 kale leaves, 2 celery stalks, 2 red pepper apple Get all of your ingredients together. Fresh and washed…always wash your fruits and vegetables. This juice packs in the calcium (twice as much as the first two) – the red…
Recipe: Berry Blast Juice
Berries! Cantaloup! Grapes! Get ready to treat your tastebuds…time to juice. Let’s make this berry blast juice. Ingredients blueberries, 1 cup raspberries, 1 cup grapes, 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup 1/4 of a cantaloup Get all of your ingredients ready – ready for the best roller-coaster ever for fruit, the Omega juicer. What’s in this juice? The blueberries are an antioxidant and help with constipation. Raspberries enhance the immune system. Grapes are an antiviral, anticancer, and an antioxidant superfood. The strawberries are a good source…
Recipe: A Glass of Salsa Juice
This juice has kick – the jalapeño adds fire, yet doesn’t leave you with too much heat. A glass of salsa juice is fresh and tasty – try it. Ingredients: 3 roma tomatoes 1 jalapeño 1/4 of a white onion 1/4 of a bunch of cilantro 1 lime What do all of those ingredients mean? Tomatoes are wonderful antioxidants…they contain lycopene which maintains both your mental and physical function…and, my favourite, tomatoes relax you after a stressful day. Have a glass of juice, not wine!…
Recipe: 12 Days of Juicing
12 Days of Juicing Juicing! Are you ready to juice?! In October we got our Omega Juicer off of Amazon and it’s been amazing…I highly recommend it – worth every nickel! Why juice? Health benefits, detoxifying, your skin will glow, your nails and hair will be strong, juices taste good (when you have some practice)…and that’s what I’m going to share with you over the next 12 days. My top 12 juice recipes. My favourites are the fruit ones – the veggies ones are good,…
Sewing: Bat Wing Dress
This dress is awesome. Flat out. It’s flattering, soft, and so easy to style. You need to make it! Let’s get sewing this bat wing dress. I was fiddling around on Pinterest one afternoon and I was looking for a fun project. This dress popped up. Mollytvo has a tutorial, yet, just like most things in life, it wasn’t perfect. I’ve made a few modifications and I’ll fill you in as we go. What you need 2 yards of fabric (with some stretch) scissors machine…
Tutorial: Boot Cuffs
Boot cuffs in April? Well, it just snowed 1 inch, so yes, boot cuffs in April. Most boot cuffs are made out of old sweaters or knitted by hand. Not really my thing…I have so much jersey cotton I gave it a try – super cute, I’d say! Wouldn’t you? What you need fabric – about 1/8-1/4 of a yard machine elastic – about 8-12 inches scissors matching thread Step One First you’ll want to pick out some fun fabric. Nothing too plain, but nothing…