Travel: 3 Days in Victoria
Yes, 3 days in Victoria! That’s honestly all you need. This city is less than 100,000 people and it’s easily walkable if the weather is nice. Looking for a place to say? Check out this place in the harbour.
We visited Beacon Hill Park and saw so many plants, flowers, and birds – it was so much fun. Plus, a nice needed walk after our hike.
Check out how colourful this peacock is – he came right up to us. I’ve heard they can be a bit aggressive, so we stayed calm and didn’t make any sudden movements.
Look at all those lily pads! They’re so pretty. We couldn’t get over how green everything was – so much rain makes for beautiful plants.
We also checked out mile zero of the Trans-Canada Highway. Pretty neat.
As we walked back for some eats we spotted Emily Carr’s house!
One of the best places to people watch in Victoria is around the harbour. Just grab a coffee, tea, or even some ice cream, sit and watch all the locals rush past the tourists. It’s entertaining, to say the least.
Overall, we had a blast in Victoria. Want to know more about what to do while visiting the capital of British Columbia? Check out these posts:
What to do in Victoria
- British Columbia Parliament Buildings
- Victoria Eats
- Royal BC Museum
- West Coast Trail (if you’re looking for adventure)
Well, there you have it – how to spend 3 days in Victoria. Walking around, museums, eats, and parliament. Take some time to catch a movie, do a bit of shopping, or sit back and enjoy the sun which shows its head between bits of rain bursts.
Thanks for visiting – see you again soon. Oh, and don’t forget to travel someplace new – it’s exciting, inspiring, and eye-opening. So much to discover, why not check it all out!!