Travel: Paris Sights
Paris Sights – I’m not talking about the big items, like the Eiffel Tower, or the Mona Lisa, but the more integrated pieces that are found throughout the city. The sights you’ll find walking around enjoying the city of love.
Paris Sights
These next few sights are places we walked by about 12 times total, all within a few blocks of our hotel. Le Marais is such a great neighbourhood.
Okay, these just look like so much fun – I wanted try and jump from piece to pieces, like in Mario Brothers. I didn’t, though, don’t worry.
We saw these a few times and they’re beautiful when the sun is overhead, shinning down. It’s just really full of people at that time and I think they’re more beautiful on their own (well, with one guy rushing to catch the metro).
Aren’t these sweet treats just too cool?
Okay, now for some more historical pieces. War, horses, solider – makes for a beautiful round-about statue.
The Fountain
Bryce and I stood here for about 15 minutes. Mainly because there was a photoshoot going on. A bride in a beautifully white lace wedding dress having her photo taken. The crew – about 7 people – were intent on getting the right shot. The person’s who’s job I wouldn’t want? The one who as to run back and forth, in and out of the shot with a blanket trying to keep the model warm. That person could never get the blanket around the model fast enough, nor get out of the shot fast enough.
This monument – it’s huge! Plus, it looks so cool next to modern day advertising.
This one we saw in the park on our walk to the Louvre. It’s bright and cheery. Plus, there was a dog playing fetch!
Lastly, the lock bridge. The locks were mostly removed – and many around the bridge were taken down, yet a few do still get put up every now and then. They’re heavy, which is the main reason they needed to be taken down. Still a fun sight to see.
Well, there you have it – a few sights to see on your walk around Paris. Grab a coffee, a treat and head out and enjoy the sun. Hope you enjoy Paris sights, or any sights in the next city you visit.