Recipe: 12 Days of Juicing
12 Days of Juicing
Juicing! Are you ready to juice?!
In October we got our Omega Juicer off of Amazon and it’s been amazing…I highly recommend it – worth every nickel!
Why juice? Health benefits, detoxifying, your skin will glow, your nails and hair will be strong, juices taste good (when you have some practice)…and that’s what I’m going to share with you over the next 12 days.
My top 12 juice recipes. My favourites are the fruit ones – the veggies ones are good, and certainly good for you, but the fruit ones are like a little treat.
The ingredients over the next 12 days will cleanse your system, fight cancer, help digestion, enhance mental functioning, protect the liver and will improve your memory.
Here’s a list of what’s to come
A Glass of Salsa
Berry Blast
Strong Bones
Green Goddess
Orange-Strawberry Lemonade
Apple Pear Pick-Me-Up
Strawberry Melon
Open Your Eyes
Tripple C
Summer Sunrise
Berry Pineapple
What comes next? Empty glasses!!
Doesn’t this all look fresh, delicious, and healthy? Let me tell you, each juice is different, so if you don’t like one, be sure to give another one a try. Not a fan of sweet? Try the glass of salsa. Or, not a fan of spice? Try the berry blast. I think they’re all great. So, stay tuned and visit back often to try out our top juicing recipes!